Get to Know the Game-Changing Team Making Waves in the World of Shoppable Content.

We're proud to have had a successful first year at and want to recognize the talented team behind our shoppable content platform. We're excited about the opportunities and growth that 2023 will bring. Now, to quickly introduce the team that has made this all possible:

Victoria Skye Grulke, COO

Bijoy Singhal, CTO

Courtney Lawrence, CMO

Dean Kyle Joffe, Legal & Web3 Advisor

And myself, Dayne Levinrad, Founder & CEO

In the spirit of these sorts of things, each of us responded to a brief series of questions that revealed a little bit about who we are and, ultimately, why this is the right team to shape this next step for the creator economy.

What is your personal history with social media?

"I think the power to connect and break down barriers is the most powerful thing for me! Whether it is keeping in touch with friends/family all over the world, connecting with like-minded people (in work & life) or starting a new business with almost zero overheads, it is all incredibly fascinating to me." -Victoria.

"I developed an aptitude for content and communication mostly because of the emergence of social media as a marketing tool in business growth, as well as finding it exciting to connect with people, share in the lives of the people I care about and gain insight and inspiration in other people's passions. I love how social media has a meaningful impact and the power to connect, share, influence and explore at scale." - Courtney.

"The AHA moment for me with social media was when I realized how a single person could trigger a butterfly effect and scale their reach to millions across the globe with whatever message they had for the world!" -Bijoy.

"It began when I realized I could monetize my social media." -Dean.

"I used social media to build a new coffee product sold in over 14 Countries, solely based on the reach that social media gave me. It was amazing to see how virility can play such a massive role in sales." -Dayne.

Would you call yourself a creator? In what ways?

"In some ways, yes — I create apps and technical content." -Bijoy.

"I am a creative more than a creator, and I love seeing how that translates through various channels and how the consumer responds. With social media, you never really know what will work - there is no official formula, and that excites me." - Courtney.

"Yes! We are busy creating a new future for creators, and I am pretty damn proud of what we have done publicly and even more so of what we are yet to launch! In my capacity, I have also done much creating on Meta, whether it be for my tribe or work. Social media keeps my network connected, and it is solely through this network that I have achieved my success." -Victoria.

"I wish I had time to create content, but sadly, I am not a content creator. However, I consider myself a content consumer." -Dayne.

"Yes — I try to create mostly monetized content, constantly testing what works and what doesn't." -Dean.

What drew you to

"I love the convenience of the product. Being able to save, shop, and share with my wife is a great way to play the 'what's for dinner game." -Dayne.

"The vision to help creators monetize their creation." -Bijoy

"I was introduced to Dayne by an old colleague I worked with at another start-up, who said, you guys need each other to Make Magic and GET IT DONE (two of my mantras). I LOVE working on the edge, disrupting marketplaces and building that which does not exist. I know, will change creators' lives worldwide." -Victoria.

"Working in the creative and digital space, you are constantly asking how can this get better - What's Next? and then came along, and it made me excited. It's a new game, and I want to play." - Courtney

"Simple. The ability to unf*** the creator." -Dean

Do you shop on social media?

"Yes — mainly clothing to date through standard sponsored ads on IG, but I am excited to take my shopping habit to new levels through people I admire and on-demand!" -Victoria.

"Yes, but not too frequently." -Bijoy

"Often, but mainly clothing and shoes." -Dayne

"Potentially through ads - but my consumer behaviour is influenced through social presence (influencers and ambassadors, social media relevance, social media activity, and social media reviews)" - Courtney. 

What's one fun fact about you?

"Self-taught programming at 13, learnt a foreign language at 18, and I guess then I stopped being heroic or cool!" -Bijoy.

"I am organized chaos. I have big ambitions, a healthy appetite and a spirit to explore, but I also love my Friday nights in, with my to-do lists and a good routine. You never really know what you can expect from me, and I will have a story that will surprise you!" - Courtney.

"My life is full of ridiculous. One episode that stands out is jumping backwards off the highest bungee bridge in the world." - Dayne.

"I've trained every day for the past two years (without a day off), plus I've studied an MBA whilst doing my PhD simultaneously." - Dean.

"I am a drop-out like Bill Gates and Richard Branson. Yes, that is what I say when people ask if I went to university. It's true, but I blame my father, as he made me work (no gap year allowed here!), and it's because of this time at The Internet Solution in South Africa, back in the 90s, when I was thrown in the deep end, learning to code as I went, that I got my LOVE for the unknown. So now I work on the edge every day, which excites me and terrifies me in equal measure. Thanks, Daddio! :-)" - Victoria

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As you can see, we're a unique bunch; but this is the bunch that will create a platform that revolutionizes the way we interact with shoppable content and the creators themselves. I wouldn't rather be doing this with anyone else.

Happy holidays, team, and happy holidays followers!
